Kenya: Citizens hold politicians to account

In what is possibly ‘the first session of its kind in Kenya’s election history’, Bunge La Mwananchi (People’s Parliament) brought together aspiring candidates for Kamukunji constituency at a forum where people could question their would-be MPs. The '[t]ime for lethargic service for Political Leaders and Public Officers is up,’ writes Odhiambo Okecth. (Coverage of the debate is available from
First, it was the open session in search of a new Chief Justice and the Deputy Chief Justice in a cast whose star undoubtedly was Mr. Ahmednassir Abdulahi. He asked all the right but irritating questions.
Then yesterday, Bunge La Mwananchi scored another first. They brought a few aspiring candidates for Kamukunji Constituency to a People Forum where the people interrogated their potential Member of Parliament.
These are scenes that you could not imagine some years back.
What does this tell our leaders and civil servants? The die is cast and time for actual Service Delivery is now. You will remember that the Government has come up with a Management System that puts premium to Service Delivery and Performance.
This has been captured through the introduction of Performance Contracts and the Rapid Results Initiatives Waves. Many senior public officers have been subjected to this regime and slowly, we are seeing a new face in the Public Service. But more must be done.
At the Ministerial Level and at the Local Authorities, we are seeing ordinary Kenyans being invited to sit in panels that evaluate the performance of Public Officers. We must take this call to the next level and the Ahmednassir Team and the George Nyongesa Team have set the ball rolling.
I would like to see the Media roll up a campaign where talk shows are hosted by ordinary Kenyans be invited to be among the panelists that ask questions. Many Morning Talk Shows are a pre-arranged affairs where the hosts handle the invited Guests with kids gloves. They are not as prodding and irritating as the Ahmednassir group has shown us.
Time has come when we must put all political leaders and Public Officers to a strict regime. They must answer to the public and be responsive to our questions as they work for us. We have several issues that someone must answer to; poor roads, poor education system, poor lighting across the country, lack of water in many parts of the country, including Nairobi, poor health services, poverty that is rampant across the land. The list is long.
50 years into Independence, we must ask our political leaders and public officers what magic they are using to make themselves super rich and Kenya slides into more debt. It is time we hanged a few people for the sake of Kenya. Just like Jesus Christ died on the cross for humanity, a few leaders who steal from the public should be hanged in public to help save Kenya.
I am happy that we are seeing some changes in how the Public Officers are approaching their duties. It has not been easy for them either, but as things change, we must appreciate and acknowledge Public Officers and Political Leaders whose approach to duty justifies our approval.
The Judicial Service Commission and Bunge La Mwananchi have set the bench mark and standards that we must uphold and replicate all across Kenya.
Time for lethargic service for Political Leaders and Public Officers is up. Kenyans will be following all you do day and night and at the right time, we will have many Ahmednassirs and Nyongesas asking you to account for your past.
Kudos to the Judicial Service Commission and Bunge La Mwananchi.
If it is to be, it is up to me. A Clean Kenya Starts With me. A Peaceful Kenya is my Responsibility.
* Odhiambo T Oketch is the CEO of KCDN and Nairobi Nationwide Coordinator of the Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign.
* Coverage of the debate is available from Kenya Citizen TV).
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