Global: The state of the global economy

The South Centre organised a workshop at the beginning of February on the state of the global economy, and reflection on recent and future multilateral negotiations. The workshop provided a forum at the beginning of 2012 for policy makers, diplomats and experts of developing countries to reflect on the state of the global economy and prospects for developing countries, and on the implications of important multilateral negotiations that have recent taken place, and that will take place this year. Documents presented at the workshop and available from the South Centre website include:
- The Staggering Rise of the South By Y?lmaz Akyüz, Special Economic Advisor, South Centre
- Instability and Downturn in the World Economy and the Prospects of the South", Statement by Petko Draganov, the Deputy Secretary-General, UNCTAD
- EPA Negotiations between EU and Africa, by Aileen Kwa, Coordinator, Trade and Development Programe, South Centre.