Call for Articles: Great Lakes Journal of Strategic African Studies

Great Lakes Journal of Strategic African Studies (GLJSAS) is an interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary journal that addresses crosscutting issues of strategic significance for Africa, with special focus on (but not limited to) the Great Lakes region and the Horn of Africa. These two regions are of great geopolitical significance, much as they are also home to some of the most complex political and ethnic conflicts the world has experienced.
GLJSAS will try to address the plethora of strategic issues affecting the African continent with special focus on the Great Lakes region and the Horn of Africa, through a careful analysis of underlying causes of the main recurring problems, and suggesting policy recommendations. Among such issues are:
- Regional integration
- The African Union’s Agenda 2063
- Aid and development
- Sustainable development
- Peace and security
- ICT for innovation
- War and displacement
- Migration
- Terrorism
- Poverty
- Globalisation and global governance
- Gender and youth
- Comparative cultures
- Ethnicity and governance
- Democracy and governance
- International trade
- Technology and industrialisation
Without rigorous, evidence-based and critical research by Africanist scholars and policy makers, the much-talked about African renaissance and the narrative of Africa rising, will not be a reality. While there are numerous journals on African studies at home and abroad, most of them are dominated by Western theoretical and conceptual frameworks, but also they are not easily accessible due to high production costs and restrictive editorial policies. Therefore an open access, peer-reviewed, online (print on demand) African studies journal is a welcome addition to the growing body of publications about Africa.
The disciplines that will inform the discourse that GLJSAS will provide a platform for include:
1. Policy studies
2. Philosophy and social ethics
3. Political science
4. International relations
5. International political economy
6. Development studies
7. International law
8. Regional integration and governance
9. Linguistics
10. Social sciences
11. Media and ICT
12. Strategic studies
13. Economics
14. Human rights and transitional justice
15. Peace and security
16. Climate change
17. Social media as a tool of social transformation
18. Engineering and innovation
19. Agricultural innovation
Editorial Policy
- GLJSAS is an independent journal and the views expressed by the respective authors are not the official position of the journal.
- While the journal is of an interdisciplinary nature, there will be some exceptions to the rule. In general articles should address multiple issues so as to arrive at a comprehensive understanding of the realities being addressed as well as possible solutions. A combination of at least two disciplines is the expectation.
- Submitted manuscripts should exhibit rigorous research based on current literature and should be conversant with the leading scholars in the relevant disciplines.
- Originality of insights is highly expected as well as innovative methodologies and conceptual frameworks.
- Citations should be embedded in the text: Author’s sir name, year and page—e.g., (Sachs, 2005:45), with a bibliography of all sources cited at the end of the article. For example: Lindner, Maureen (2010). English: Language & Composition. Mumbai: Jaico Publishing House; Article or chapter in an Edited work: Brown John. “Role of Women in Development: A Third World Perspective” in Okello, Peter (Ed.) (2005). Women in Development. London: Penguin Books. Manuscripts that fail to meet this minimum standard will be returned to the author.
- The Editorial Board reserves the right to publish the manuscript.
- GLJSAS is an open access peer-reviewed journal published once a year.
- Plagiarism is a serious academic offence. Authors must ensure that they acknowledge the sources they have consulted for writing an article. Manuscripts that are not duly referenced will not be published.
- Processing of the manuscript takes roughly three weeks after submission.
- Deadline for the inaugural issue: 30 June 2018
- Include your contact address and institutional affiliation
Submit your manuscript too to the following emails:;;; or to the