Expressing voices
In my country (DRC) we like to celebrate, to organize ceremonies... it is our way of expression. Africa is primary a rhythmic continent. Particularly for this kind of celebration (International Women's Day), I think it was very important to celebrate.
Celebration of this kind of day allows government to have the opportunity to evaluate the importance of something. But its also an opportunity for interested people like NGOs and civil society to share their point of view, to express what they are thinking about the situation of women and to be heard. This is not to fight against men, just to have the same chance in the life.
And you know what? Just a few day after women's day our Parliament agreed a big law for all the woman of DRC. Now we share fifty-fifty (equality) with men the opportunity to be represented in government and decision-making institutions! Step by step we will arrive...
We must take all the opportunities to express our voices!