Have the slaves left the master's house?
I just wanted to make this observation:
The head of every state should indeed be a good leader. When this is not the case like in most Afrikan countries, then we the people should assume the responsibility of educating ourselves first and then others. We will then be talking about assuming good leadership.
The time has long past when we Afrikans should even talk about debt cancellation. Even the capitalist countries do not expect our countries to pay back these "debts". They use this argument as a control tool. They talk about cancelling parts of them depending on their mood. This is an insult! It is a total waste of time discussing this and other issues like all the other so-called accords with capitalist European institutions. We p*** on these "agreements".
In western Europe every community and political group is opposed to the privatisation of water supply and so on. But these same Europeans are putting on a hell of a lot of pressure on our Afrikan states to privatise our water and power supplies and even our agricultural companies. Imagine! No, we understand Europe just wants to control Afrika. They can package this in whatever form they like and with whatever phrases they create: "Good Governance", "Democratisation", "Fight against poverty", "Fight against corruption", but what they mean is CONTROL.
We Afrikans have to learn the lessons of the past in order to find out what our common agenda should be. We should start to think for ourselves, bear our own names, act for ourselves and "get this monkey off our backs".
Permit me to end with these two quotations:
"Blackman, set up your own table and stop eating the crumbs from another man's table, for if the crumbs seize to fall ..." - Hon. Marcus Mosiah Garvey
"Powerful people will never educate powerless people in what they need to take the power away from them. The aim of powerful people is to stay powerful by any means necessary! "- John Henrik Clarke