On 'Hedge funds and corporate raiders in Africa: Space invaders of the third kind'

By Dhiru Soni, Ahmed Shaikh, Anis Karodia and Joseph David
2015-03-16, Issue 718

Great article! Organized Capitalism is a beast like Organized Crime and totally different from the utopia of free Capitalism. In the 1920s, SPD policymaker and Marxist Rudolf Hilferding declared that capitalism had evolved beyond what had been laissez-faire capitalism into what he called "organized capitalism". Organized capitalism was based upon trusts and cartels controlled by financial institutions that could no longer make money within their countries' national boundaries and thus needed to export to survive, resulting in support for imperialism. "Organized Capitalism" is nothing less than "the replacement of the capitalist principle of free competition by the socialist principle of planned production". Western liberal democracy is unfit to teach the World Democracy and free market economy or human rights.

Best regards
Tarig M. M. K. Anter, Mr.
+249-911636990/ 923350724/ 129381293
Khartoum, Sudan.