Uganda: The Shadows of Peace - Life after the LRA

In the next few days IRIN will be releasing the latest of its short documentary films and we are requesting subscribers to order online as per the link below if they wish to receive a copy.In the context of the current peace talks being held between the Ugandan Government and the rebel Lord's Resistance Army, IRIN's award-winning Film Unit is launching a short film examining how the country will move on from the experience of two decades of year.

In the next few days IRIN will be releasing the latest of its short documentary films and we are requesting subscribers to order online as per the link below if they wish to receive a copy.

In the context of the current peace talks being held between the Ugandan Government and the rebel Lord's Resistance Army, IRIN's award-winning Film Unit is launching a short film examining how the country will move on from the experience of two decades of year.

Filmed in northern Uganda in August of this year, "The Shadows of Peace: Life after the LRA" considers how various groups will experience the peace - from the displaced in the north's many camps, to the child abductees and the former LRA soldiers themselves. But after two decades of death, displacement and trauma, the obstacles on the path toward peace could be just as challenging as the war itself.

Lasting around 15 minutes, the film is available in English. As with all IRIN Films, the aim is to increase awareness and understanding of humanitarian crises and to assist fellow humanitarian actors in their advocacy efforts. As a humanitarian news agency IRIN specializes in the creation of advocacy tools but remains dependent on its partners for the dissemination of these messages.

IRIN Films are distributed free-of-charge but because of growing production and distribution costs we ask that only those agencies and NGOs actively involved in advocacy work request copies.

While we will endeavour to meet demand, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to provide copies to all who request them. In addition, while the vast majority of films that are dispatched reach their recipients in good time, occasionally the unreliability of postal systems may mean that copies are delayed or, rarely, lost. We thank you for your patience in such instances.

Would all interested parties please click on the link below to apply for a copy of this film:

We look forward to hearing from you and kindly request that you provide us with feedback on your usage of the film.