The call for freedom, justice and equality

Laws of the world never liberated anybody, say Mbuyiseni Ndlozis in a speech during Israel Apartheid week. Governments are not going to listen to the law, nor will companies. We need to break the silence on Palestine in the interests of freedom, justice and equality. Debates about whether Israel is apartheid or not miss the point. It is a system of separateness at the expense of the people of Palestine who are not even allowed to return home. It is a system enough to makes us angry, it is a violation of fundamental values of freedom, justice and equality. The system offends our values. We have to drink from the cup of freedom and have to courage to mobilise for boycotts, disinvestments and sanctions. Only our voices will make governments and companies listen.
Here is a YouTube video of the South African student leader delivering a moving speech in London as part of Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW). Ndlozi is clear, resolute and speaks in the spirit of the late African National Congress (ANC) president, Oliver Tambo.
Ndlozi is currently on a speaking tour in Europe as part of IAW. Click here for more info on IAW or here.