East Africa Philanthropy Awards

Call for nominations

The East Africa Association of Grantmakers (EAAG) is elated to announce the call for nominations for the inaugural East Africa Philanthropy Awards (EAPA) 2012. Launched in 2011, the Awards seek to identify, recognize and celebrate outstanding contributions of individuals and organizations to strategic social development and to the growth of the philanthropic movement in East Africa.

The Awards will be given to those who through their planned and structured giving of money, time, information, goods and services; and voice and influence improve the wellbeing of humanity and the communities they live in. These philanthropists motivate and inspire the East African people ever closer to the renewal of a healthy tradition of giving and philanthropy. Through their compelling philanthropic acts, these individuals and organizations should have set a standard of excellence that is an inspiration for others to follow.

Award categories
· Award for Community philanthropy
· Award for individual philanthropy
· Award for Family Philanthropy
· Award for Corporate philanthropy
· Award for Faith Based Philanthropy
· Award for youth in philanthropy
· Award for Reporting in philanthropy

Nominations can be done through the online submission form available on our website (www.eaag.org) or by downloading the nomination form and submitting via email to eapa@eaag.org and a copy to info@eaag.org or collect the nomination form from our offices. Deadline for submission of nominations is 13th April 2012.

Should you require further information about the awards, kindly send us an email ateapa@eaag.org or visit our website.

We kindly request that you share this information with your wider networks within the East Africa region.