Liberia report back on white band day 2
The Liberia Democratic Institute in collaboration with other community-based grassroots groups on Saturday, September 10, 2005, on World White Band Day II joined the global community in the Global Call to Action against Poverty (GCAP) to pressurize the world richest countries to make their promises authentic and eradicate poverty. The march climaxed the series of activities that started on Tuesday, September 8, 2005. The White Band Day observation, the first of its kind in Liberia was launched not only to call the world riches nations attention to the acute poverty and hardship experienced by poor countries around the world but also to set the stage for positive mass citizen’s movement informed by calls for effective good governance practices in Liberia.
Report on World White Band Day
Submitted to: OXFAM GB – LIBERIA
Mamba Point, Monrovia
Submitted by: Liberia Democratic Institute (LDI)
American Dry Cleaning Building
111 Randall Street, Monrovia, Liberia
Background and Purpose
The Liberia Democratic Institute in collaboration with other community-based grassroots groups on Saturday, September 10, 2005, on World White Band Day II joined the global community in the Global Call to Action against Poverty (GCAP) to pressurize the world richest countries to make their promises authentic and eradicate poverty. The march climaxed the series of activities that started on Tuesday, September 8, 2005. The White Band Day observation, the first of its kind in Liberia was launched not only to call the world riches nations attention to the acute poverty and hardship experienced by poor countries around the world but also to set the stage for positive mass citizen’s movement informed by calls for effective good governance practices in Liberia. Since decades ago, the world richest nations commonly called G-8 countries met and committed themselves to making poverty history by the year 2015. The summit at the time among other things identified three bench marks including: Trade Justice, Debt Cancellation and Increased and Better Aid to poor countries to alleviate the human sufferings.
To achieve the White Band Day observation goal, LDI undertook a number of integrated approaches. These approaches include: massive community outreach activities through radio interviews in slump communities; live radio and TV talk shows on four popular radio and TV stations including: Star, Veritas, DC 101 TV and UNMIL radio. Additionally, awareness about the event was raised through town meetings in eight communities including: New Kru Town, Logan Town, Clara Town, Duala, Caldwell, St. Paul Bridge, Vai Town, Freeport and West Point. More than Six hundred persons representing community dwellers from Bushrod Island and other parts of Monrovia participated in the campaign. The parade started from the Ministry of Education on Broad Street, passing through Mamba Point by the embassies of the G-8 nations on to the Monrovia City Hall where a formal indoor program was held. Also, banners, T-shirts, handkerchiefs (white band) and postal were printed to raise awareness.
During the program a statement was presented to the government of Liberia and the G-8 nations. The Statement among other things outlined the plight of poor people particularly Liberian. The statement pointed to the enormous resources of the country which could make all Liberian to enjoy life to the fullest. The statement recounted successive governments’ failure to sign agreements that would compelled investors to make provision for the happiness of the citizens.
Sensitization in the different communities on the need to participate in the World White Band Day
Community Outreach through radio interviews
Talk Show on radio and television
Printing on Banner, T-Shirts, Handkerchiefs for the observance of the World White Band Day
March for the World White Band Day to Make Poverty History
Indoor Program to present statement to the government of Liberia and members of the G-8 nations on the need to make Poverty History
More than 15,000 persons were informed through the radio and TV about the importance of the World White Band Day
Liberians for the first time joined the rest of the world to observe the White Band Day
Grass root community dwellers aired their views on the need to make poverty history
Ordinary people understood and demonstrated the need for government to take actions that will make poverty history
Participants have seen the need for all to be a part of making government does something with funds generated from the vast natural resources of the country.
Liberians were sensitized to understand that Liberia is not as poor as the world thinks
Craving for debt cancellation in the midst of reported corruption in government
Enlightening people on the need to make poverty history in the midst of lack of transparency on the part of government officials
Awakening a desperate people to leave their little means of income to parade
The lack of sufficient fund to carry out more public awareness
Lessons learnt:
People have been wanting to participate in campaigns like these but have not had the opportunity
Liberians have the urge to speak out but need someone to guide them
People are aware of the mismanagement of resources
Most Liberians know their rights and can speak without fear when it becomes necessary
The campaign be staged nation-wide
More funding be made available to reach-out to more people
Collaborative efforts be formed to engage all spectrum of the country