DRC: An Urgent Call to Respect the Will of the Congolese People

On July 30, 2006, the Congolese people demonstrated their desire for a peaceful and democratic process in the Congo by exercising a basic human right denied to them for the last 40 years: they voted. The long overdue presidential election received praise from all corners of the globe. Unfortunately, when the Independent Electoral Commission announced a run-off election would be necessary, supporters of both leading candidates in Kinshasa responded with violence.

An Urgent Call to Respect the Will of the Congolese People
On July 30, 2006, the Congolese people demonstrated their desire for a peaceful and democratic process in the Congo by exercising a basic human right denied to them for the last 40 years: they voted.

The long overdue presidential election received praise from all corners of the globe. Unfortunately, when the Independent Electoral Commission announced a run-off election would be necessary, supporters of both leading candidates in Kinshasa responded with violence. Such unrest violates the spirit and aspirations of the Congolese people who yearn to rebuild their nation and live in peace and stability. The creation of sub-commissions by the UN Mission to the Congo that are tasked with investigating this violence and ensuring a peaceful run-off election is a positive step forward. However, international support is critical to preventing the outbreak of further violence as the election process continues.

We call on the international community to support the democratic process and the work of the commission by:

• Rejecting all attempts by any party to hijack the otherwise peaceful election.
• Holding both candidates accountable to their commitment to support the commissions.
• Accepting the final vote of the Congolese people in the upcoming runoff election.

The votes of the people are not votes solely for one candidate or another but rather for a transparent democratic process through which political leaders assume power through the will of the people and are held accountable to those who elected them.

Optimum bi-lateral and multilateral pressure must be brought to bear on all parties and their supporters to respect the wishes of the Congolese people and the outcome of the upcoming run-off election. The interests of the 17 million Congolese who voted must not be subordinated to the interests of armed groups.

As people of conscience and goodwill, we must join in solidarity and partnership with the Congolese people to see this very fragile but critical process through in a peaceful manner. Current and future generations of Congolese deserve the opportunity to rebuild their nation, experience peace, stability and a leadership that lives up to the dignity and courage shown by the voters on July 30, 2006.

The DRC Coalition:

Friends of Congo
Run For Congo Women
Congolese Community of Southern California
International Rescue Committee
Oxfam America
Open Society Institute
World Relief
Muadi Mukenge, Global Fund for Women
National Peace Corps Association – Friends of the Congo
Congo Peace Action Network
Council for Peace and Reconciliation, Bukavu (COPARE)
Tous Unis Pour Batir (TUBA/KiKuiT)
The Bayindo Group SA
Mama Makeka House of Hope
Dignity, Inc.
Mennonite Central Committee
Bureau pours le Volontariat au service de l’Enfance et la Sante (BVES)
Coalition des Pluralistes et des Patriotes Congolais (COPPAC)
Initiatives Femmes Enfants et Developpement, Bukavu (IFED)

To contact the DCR Coalition : [email][email protected]