Few now fail to observe the unassailable ascent of the Biafra freedom movement.
The need to restructure the Nigerian state has gained populist currency in the past few years. Especially, since the beginning of 2017, it has become a consensus call coming from almost all the ethnical, political and geographical sections that make up the corporate Nigerian state.
Quite appositely, we should begin by stating what the Igbo genocide is not.
On 7 April 2016, I published an essay on Barack Hussein Obama entitled “‘African American son’: US foreign policy and Africa” (Pambazuka News, 7 April 2016).
(Nicola Sturgeon, first minister of Scotland: “The UK Government was clear in 2014 that an independence referendum should be, in their words, ‘made in Scotland, by the people of Scotland’ – that is a principle that should be respected today.
Tagged under Governance Biafra war, Biafra self-determination, Igbo GenocideMuhammadu Buhari, head of the Nigeria genocidist regime, was in Germany last week on a three-day “state” visit.
Tagged under Gender & Minorities Biafra war, Igbo Genocide, Muhammadu BuhariJust slightly over forty-nine years ago to the day, in August 1967, the venerable Dr Akanu Ibiam, christian missionary physician, erudite theologian and statesperson who had worked for 30 years in the Church of Scotland/Presbyterian Church rural medical programmes across central and east reg
Tagged under Human Security Nigeria Biafra warIn his latest book entitled, We Are All Biafrans, Chido Onumah offers a very powerful discourse of Nigeria by imposing on the observable claims of marginalisation by every other group against the Nigerian state the metaphor of Biafranism.
Tagged under Democracy & Governance Nigeria Biafra war, IgboCan somebody please remind me, again, why Nnamdi Kanu is still sitting in jail?
Tagged under Democracy & Governance Nigeria Biafra warWriting The Nigeria-Biafra War, edited by Toyin Falola and his doctoral student at the University of Texas, Austin, Ogechukwu Ezekwem (2016, Woodbridge, James Currey), is a highly anticipated volume about a
Tagged under Democracy & Governance Nigeria Biafra war, Nigeria
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