Understanding Africa's exploitation and plunder
How different is the West's economic model of liberalisation and privatisation from Apartheid's economic system, asks Osarhieme George.
I read an article on your website titled 'Beyond the privatisation of liberation' written by Horace Campbell a while ago. It was an insightful piece and the writer said that 'the structural basis of apartheid was never dismantled'.
Pondering on that statement, I want to know how the Apartheid economic system works, such that dismantling it in 1994 would have made Africans better off today or is the economic model of liberalisation and privatisation the West sell to or impose on African countries different from the Apartheid economic system?
I will appreciate any response from you in helping me to better
understand this economic system of exploitation and plunder of Africa
human and material wealth.
Thanks in anticipation.