Ivory Coast’s Ouattara continues to arrest opposition leaders

Dr Assoa Adou, a former minister of environment in the government of President Laurent Gbagbo, was recently arrested for his political activities. A strong figure of the FPI party, he fled into exile in Ghana after the electoral violence of 2010. In Ghana, he chaired the coordination of the FPI in exile but returned after three years.

Will peace and durable reconciliation prevail in Ivory Coast? Will the political stalemate, which has plagued the country for a decade, and which worsened after the 2010 presidential election, ever end? The recent events in Ivory Coast prove that the country is nowhere near peace and stability. The allegations that reconciliation has progressed are just spurious. The apparent quieteness of political climate is actually the outcome of the regime cracking down on the constitutional freedoms of the press and the freedom of opposition leaders and parties.

2015 will mark four years since Alassane Ouattara seized power and since the Obama administration hailed he would bring democracy, economic democratization, and reconciliation. But four years after, the prospects for national reconciliation look rather dim: political prisoners have been detained without trial for three years, hundred thousands have been exiled or are living in refugee camps, 82 supporters of the Hague-detained Laurent Gbagbo, including his wife Simone Gbagbo, have brought to an undemocratic court of justice.

To make things worse, the regime of Alassane Ouattara continues to clamp down on opponents. The latest victim is Dr. Assoa Adou. On January 8, 2015 at 8:00 pm, Dr. Assoa Adou was arrested in the most humiliating manner in front of his wife and children. One of his sons was also arrested with him. The regime claimed he arrested Dr. Assoa Adou for conspiracy with subversive groups and illegal possession of arms. It is not the first time that the Ouattara administration uses these unsubstantiated allegations to intimidate its opponents.

The truth is that the arrest of Dr. Assoa Adou is unacceptable. It is a violation of human rights. It illustrates the absence of the rule of law. It exposes the undemocratic nature of the regime and its unconstitutional strategy to silence all opposition and win the 2015 presidential election. This strategy will lead the Ivory Coast into another spiral of violence and political chaos. Therefore, it is time that the international community, human rights organizations, the press, and world political leaders to condemn these exactions before it is too late.

The Committee of Actions for the Ivory Coast in the United States (CACI-USA) urges the Ouattara regime to free immediately Dr. Assoa Adou and to end all unlawful arrests and incarcerations.

* Eric Edi, PhD. Executive Secretary Committee of Actions for Côte d’Ivoire – USA (CACI – USA) [email][email protected] -- http://lecomitedactionusa.blogspot.com