Prophet Blair (3)

Dear Tajudeen Abdul-Raheem,

I have waited a week to send my comments to you. It has taken that long to calm down in order to respond reasonably? First of all there are two kinds of people in life, one who operates from the prospective of the glass is half full and the other like yourself where the glass is half empty. Your whole commentary has no positive aspect to it whatsoever.   Do you really believe that Africa and Africans in general have no responsibility for the lack of good governance, compassion for the poor or the lack of sanitation, health care and all the social issues that need to be addressed in order for the continent to live up to its true potential   I say thank GOD  for the NGOs that reach out with schools, health clinics etc. in order  to try and start a process of improving the lives of the citizens of Africa.

Your anger, sarcasm and overall negative response leaves me speechles. I say thank you Tony Blair and Bob Geldoff yes two WHITE people who have the ordacity to care about Africa which in my mind after reading your piece at least they are trying to do something unlike yourself just complaining. Would it not be better to change all this negative energy and reach out to the citizens of Africa to commit to each other and create over time a better life for all. Please check out this web sight and see what is possible  Scroll down to giving back Ethiopia 04, click on to the school, hospital and especially Etagens page. I am VERY proud of the work our community is doing in Yetebon. Maybe instead of just bitching why not put your own group together and build a school with sanitation and possibilities for the children,   after all education is the key to the future   lets hope the children we are educating will help to improve their continent not just complain about everything.