Zimbabwe: CHRA demands legal reforms from Parliament
The Combined Harare Residents Association (CHRA) condemns the decision to convene the 7th Parliament of Zimbabwe. It is the Association’s view that the Parliament should have been convened after the completion of the inter party talks between ZANU PF and the MDC. Without an agreement between the two parties, it is very difficult for the Parliament to conduct its business. None the less, CHRA reasserts its demands for legal reforms on Zimbabwe’s local Governance system.
CHRA demands legal reforms from Parliament
25 August 2008
The Combined Harare Residents Association (CHRA) condemns the decision to convene the 7th Parliament of Zimbabwe. It is the Association’s view that the Parliament should have been convened after the completion of the inter party talks between ZANU PF and the MDC. Without an agreement between the two parties, it is very difficult for the Parliament to conduct its business. None the less, CHRA reasserts its demands for legal reforms on Zimbabwe’s local Governance system. The following are CHRA’s demands
* The return of the executive mayoral system
* Constitutionalisation of Local Governance
* Creation of autonomous and cooperative system of local Governance
* The reversal of the ZINWA takeover
* Reform of the Urban Councils Act.
The Association is of the firm view that these reforms will help create a participatory and democratic system of local governance in Zimbabwe; and therefore open up space for residents’ participation in local Governance. CHRA reminds the Parliament that local governance is the link between the central Government and the grass root communities. It is the vehicle through which the ordinary citizens of this country can be able to actively participate and influence national policy formulation, implementation, evaluation and management. Through various reforms enacted by the previous and successive Parliaments, Zimbabwe’s local Governance system is in a state of collapse as the central Government has taken over most of the critical powers and functions of the local authorities. The final nail to the coffin of Zimbabwe’s Local Government system was the Local Governement Amendment Act which stripped the Mayors of their executive powers. In essence, this has robbed the residents of the only platform they could use to participate in national and community development. The previous cabinet’s authorization of the ZINWA takeover was yet another blow to the innocent residents. As a direct result of this irresponsible decision, Harare residents are now suffering a water crisis while ZINWA seems not to have a solution at all. The service delivery problems currently bedeviling the once sun shining city of Harare and indeed all the other towns and communities are a direct result of Government’s decision to usurp the powers and functions of the local authorities. CHRA remains firm on its demand for enhanced citizen participation in local governance. It is on this basis that residents across the breadth and length of the country rendered their support to the various candidates who are now Members of the 7th Parliament of Zimbabwe. The Association realizes and appreciates the significance of the 7th Parliament of Zimbabwe in fulfilling the residents’ desire for a democratic, people centered local governance system.
Farai Barnabas Mangodza
Chief Executive Officer
Combined Harare Residents Association (CHRA)
145 Robert Mugabe Way
Exploration House, Third Floor
Landline: 00263- 4- 705114
Contacts: Mobile: 011 563 141, 0912638401 and 011862012 or email [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]