Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe Divas against Violence

From 25 Nov to 10 December Zimbabwe will once again join the rest of the world to focus on ‘16 DAYS OF ACTIVISM AGAINST VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN’ - a global campaign to “SAY NO!” to violence against women, which is now in its 18th year and sweeping the world.


Saturday 29 November 2008, 2-7pm The Book Café, Harare

From 25 Nov to 10 December Zimbabwe will once again join the rest of the world to focus on ‘16 DAYS OF ACTIVISM AGAINST VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN’ - a global campaign to “SAY NO!” to violence against women, which is now in its 18th year and sweeping the world.
In a music-filled afternoon and evening on Saturday 29 November, Pamberi Trust’s gender programme FLAME and its participating artists join the world in standing up against violence at an exciting music concert at The Book Café on
Fife Ave from 2-7pm.

Featuring top women artists of Zimbabwe who are widely acclaimed household names, alongside up-and-coming young women who have emerged in the course of the year, the concert will relay a strong message against violence against women.

The 2008 campaign theme is “Human Rights for Women, Human Rights for
All”, and seeks to help dismantle obstacles and overcome challenges posed by social attitudes and policies that continue to condone and perpetuate gender based violence. It brings sharply into focus a call for all nations of the world to recognize and act upon all forms of violence against women as human rights abuses.

Artists confirmed to perform at The 16 Days Concert at The Book Café are Busi Ncube, Dudu Manhenga, Rute Mbangwa & Jazz Sensation, Edith Katiji, Vimbai Zimuto, Hope Masike & Kakuwe, Eyahra Mathazia & Kibo, Anjii Greenland, Carmen Hwariri and Louisa Mlambo with African Destiny, and dynamic young poets Batsirai Chigama, ERS Muchemwa, Black Heat, Xapa, and Kadeija.

This amazing line-up offers great entertainment across the genre board, from traditional mbira to jazz, rhythm & blues to afro pop and reggae, and a strong message through poetry - ‘the spoken word’.

Pamberi Trust’s gender project officer, Penny Yon said “As women artists, we have a special voice which is heard far and wide, and an important role to play in spreading this important message to all those who hear; the message is simply this No to Violence! Women are naturally builders and growers and we do not accept violence as any part of our many cultures. All artists performing in this concert have welcomed the opportunity to lend their wonderful voices to be heard in the land, and we’re excited to be joined by some of the top female artists of Zimbabwe, and others who are just emerging - putting the message out there with a great lineup of music and poetry.”

Significant dates of the 16 Days campaign are:
International Day Against Violence Against Women (November 25th),
International Women Human Rights Defenders Day (November 29th), World AIDS Day (December 1st), the anniversary of the Montreal Massacre (December 6th) and International Human Rights Day (December 10th).

Pamberi Trust’s gender project ‘FLAME’ (Female Literary Arts & Music Enterprise) is supported by HIVOS and designed to help bring female performing artists into the mainstream of the arts. Since 2006 the project has been working with both established and emerging women artists to strengthen and equip them to be taken seriously as professionals in the mainstream of the arts industry in Zimbabwe. All artists performing at the 16 Days concert have participated in training workshops, promotions and events in the FLAME programme.

Along with live events to promote different artists, workshops have included “Divas Deliberate”, “Workshops for Women Artists by Women Artists”, “Scriptwriting”, “Songwriting”, “Mbira Renaissance”, “Bass Workshop”, “No Sex Combatants” and “Women in Performing Arts” which resulted in the establishment of a representative body for women in the performing arts, which is currently underway.

Since 1991, the 16 Days Campaign has helped to raise awareness about gender violence and has highlighted its effects on women globally. Each year, thousands of activists from all over the world utilize the campaign to furthertheir work to end violence against women. The campaign has celebrated victories gained by women’s rights movements, it has challenged policies and practices that allow women to be targeted for acts of violence, it has called for the protection of people who defend women’s human rights and it has demanded accountability from states.

Join the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence email listserve discussion, which lets activists share work against violence, build partnerships with others worldwide, and develop strategies and themes for the annual 16 Days Campaign. To join the discussion, visit