In response to Salma Maoulidi

is an important reminder of the critical part that adult learning plays in the socio-economic and political development of any society. It is particularly the education of women that is crucial to development of societies. There is often a false dichotomy made between the education of children and that of adults – they are inextricably linked together. The forthcoming World Conference on Adult Education (Confintea V1) will be held in Brazil and occurs every 12 years in different regions of the world. It’s an important coming together of adult educators and activists from governments and civil society. As Salma, points out, we all must work towards it having longer term significance than ‘yet another conference’.

Salma points to the legacy of the late Tanzanian President Nyerere’s to adult education and development. At the University of Western Cape, South Africa, we have recognized this legacy and hold an annual lecture: Vice Chancellor’s Julius Nyerere Annual Lecture on Lifelong Learning. The fifth consecutive lecture was held to coincide with the International Literacy Day in September where, well known South African feminist activist and educator, Pregs Govender, made a provocative presentation entitled, “Love and courage: inciting insubordination”. For anyone who would like to have access to her speech, please communicate with Tania Oppel at [email][email protected]