Solidarity and utopia

It is full utopia to pretend, that there is a poor "people" kind of solidarity; see .

South Africans living in Townships are more close to Mugabe and Zanu-Pf than Tsvangarai and MDC. Nobody can expect social equity in SA as a miracle,it will take time. The Land issue can and will lead a nightmare, if nothing si done. Who talks about lost jobs in South African industrie like in the cande fruit industrie in Cape Province? Who blames the EU for destroying this industrie?

I'm living in a country (Germany), where you have 2% foreigners and no single Black, living in some laender and counties, where xenophobia is extreme (Die Zeit, Nr. 20, 2008, Dossier: pp. 15-20. Mai 8, 2008.) People say "foreigners are taking our jobs, misusing our social facilities etc" and in differents local and regional elections the right wings partis are use to make 12%.

Everyday in Germany, foreigners are beaten somewhere. Many foreigners habe been lunched to death (even in the presence of police officers), houses with foreigners sleeping or living in are use to be put in fire and many Africans haven been burned to death (see