South Africa: Township youth organisation achieves excellent results in matric results

IkamvaYouth, a township-based volunteer programme that gets learners out of poverty and into university has once again shown that transformation is possible, despite the odds.

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'Wow! We did well!' Township youth org achieves excellent results yet again: 87% matric pass rate, with 78% eligible for tertiary study

7 January 2010

A township-based volunteer programme that gets learners out of poverty and into university has once again shown that transformation is possible, despite the odds. The great news is that 78 per cent of IkamvaYouth learners are eligible to move from township schools to tertiary institutions next year.

It has been a difficult year for matrics across the country, with much of the school year lost to the World Cup and public sector strikes, and learners in township schools have been hit especially hard. Yet IkamvaYouth’s learners, all of whom attend township public schools, achieved an 87 per cent pass rate, with 52 per cent Bachelor passes and 38 per cent diploma passes. Thirty-six distinctions were awarded. This low-cost peer-to-peer programme is producing results comparable to the country's top (and highly resourced) schools in its mission to redress inequality in South Africa: since 2005 its matric pass rate has been between 87 and 100 per cent.

IkamvaYouth operates in five townships in three provinces, and each branch has achieved excellent results: 85 per cent pass in Western Cape, 85% in KZN, and 94 per cent in Gauteng. Of those learners that failed, 70 per cent are eligible to write supplementary exams, and IkamvaYouth will ensure they get the support they need.

Co-founder Joy Olivier says, 'While we are very proud of our learners and these achievements, the real measure of IkamvaYouth’s success is our ability to help learners access post-school opportunities. Achieving these results is a first big step, yet many obstacles need to be overcome in the next few weeks, including actually being accepted, finding money for registration fees and navigating the bureaucracy of institutions and financial aid. Some of our learners have already received confirmation of university placements and scholarships, but there is work to be done to meet our target of at least 60 per cent enrolling at tertiary with the remainder securing learnerships or employment.'

The young social entrepreneurs that run IkamvaYouth’s branches have successfully leveraged the power of volunteerism and strategic partnerships. All tutors and mentors at IkamvaYouth are volunteers, and local universities, public libraries, NGOs, companies and foundations have come together to replicate the IkamvaYouth model. Together they ensure that learners receive the information and support they need to succeed despite the challenges of township school education. These results are possible thanks to the learners’ and volunteers’ hard work and the rallied support of diverse stakeholders. IkamvaYouth garnered support from the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) last year, and hopes to partner with other education departments in 2011.

Many learners jumped 2-3 symbols since joining the organisation, and there have been excellent individual results.

Brighton Dube, a Gauteng ikamvanite, received five distinctions. Simphiwe Ndzube, a committed Ikamvanite at the Masiphumelele branch achieved 94 per cent in visual art and has been accepted at UCT’s Michaelis Art School. He says: 'What made me focus; I had a dream, a goal to get into university, which motivated me to work hard, study every day, and I was aided by the support from my family, friends, teachers and IkamvaYouth mentors. Wow, I did well! UCT here I come! I am proud of myself!'

Thabisile Cele, an ikamvanite in KZN, had to overcome the challenge of her parents not understanding why she studied late into the night. Her parents were often unhappy with her 'wasting electricity' while studying at night (her father works at the post office and her mother is disabled and unemployed). Encouraged by her sister (a former ikamvanite) not to give up, Thabisile saved up some money and bought candles. Her family is celebrating her Bachelor’s pass and acceptance at the University of KwaZulu Natal (UKZN) for Environmental Studies.

'We are thrilled that the class of 2010 has achieved the results to make this change happen for themselves and for others,' says IkamvaYouth KZN director Khona Dlamini. Winile Mabhoko, the Khayelitsha branch coordinator, expects that most of these matriculants will return as volunteer tutors and mentors, as has happened in previous years.

A small group of committed volunteers started IkamvaYouth in 2003. Due to the model’s innovation and the talent and commitment of all who have joined and supported since then, the organisation has grown from strength to strength. The consistently excellent results since 2005 led to IkamvaYouth winning the Mail & Guardian/ Southern African Trust Drivers of Change Award last year. The judges said of the Ikamvanites: 'These learners are the true drivers of change as they are also setting a good example for younger learners to become agents of change for their own success.’

The organisation is calling for much-needed donations and volunteers - anyone and everyone who wants to be a part of this high-impact and fun way to transform South Africa can make a difference.

IkamvaYouth is welcoming new learners in grades 8-11 into its programmes. Interested learners, parents and volunteers should make their way to their nearest branch on 22 January for IkamvaYouth’s Open Day, to find out how to become an ikamvanite.

For more information, please see or email [email][email protected]

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Joy Olivier
[email][email protected]

About IkamvaYouth:
IkamvaYouth is a community-based non-profit organisation that enables disadvantaged youth to access higher education and job-based training. To do this, it works with learners in the last 2-4 years of high school and provides supplementary tutoring, career guidance mentoring and computer literacy training. IkamvaYouth's Media, Image and Expression programme provides an opportunity for learners to express themselves through art, performance, media and writing, while the HIV programme enables access to voluntary counselling and testing. The organisation has branches in the Western Cape (Khayelitsha, Nyanga and Masiphumelele), KZN (Chesterville) and Gauteng (Ivory Park). For more information, see