By African standards, many had expected the worst the moment the Gambia’s authoritarian ruler for 22 years “Prof. Dr.” Alhaji Yahya Jammeh reversed himself after conceding defeat to then opposition leader, Mr.
Kudos to ECOWAS – to be able to get rid of a conscienceless bulldog of a power junkie like Yahya Jammeh without firing a single shot should count as one of the greatest achievements of that body.
Tagged under Democracy & Governance Yahya Jammeh, ECOWASIt is really a curse for any country to be saddled with a morally bankrupt political leadership.
As families and friends and peoples heartily exchange the customary best wishes for the New Year, west Africa’s most notorious Murdering Inc., genocidist Nigeria, is already putting final touches to the launch of its New Year’s early bloodbath episode.
Tagged under Democracy & Governance The Gambia, President Yahya Jammeh, ECOWASGambian dictator, Yahya Jammeh, has been in power for nearly 23 years. As a 29-year-old army officer, he overthrew the country’s first president, Dawda Jawara, in a bloodless coup on July 22, 1994. In 1996, he won the first of four successive elections to serve as president of the republic.
The subject of political leadership has maintained a presence in the discourse on African development since the dawn of independence.
Tagged under Pan-Africanism Pan-Africanism, ECOWAS, Leadership in Africa