Tribute: Fare thee well Winnie Mandela

A tribute to the African icon Winnie Madikizela-Mandela.
You fought the good fight!
You won the race
In defence of your race
You fought the good fight.
You fought the good fight!
Oh gallant daughter of Africa
And liberated South Africa;
You fought the good fight.
You fought the good fight!
And defeated the infamous apartheid
Without being afraid;
You fought the good fight.
You fought the good fight!
And stood by Madiba
Now you will join him in eternity;
You fought the good fight.
You fought the good fight
And inspired all women
To resist oppression from men;
You fought the good fight.
You fought the good fight
Amidst slander and calumny
And kept internal harmony;
You fought the good fight.
You fought the good fight
And left a lasting legacy—
A firm foundation for democracy;
You fought the good fight.
You fought the good fight!
So rest in peace
And enjoy divine grace
For you fought the good fight!