Zimbabwe and South Africa
I have been avoiding the feeling that there is an agenda at work here, in which Southern African countries, i.e., Zimbabwe and South Africa, are in the crosshairs. I do not see any article on Bongo, in Central African Republic, or the Cameroonian President who is going to be declared the lifetime "head of state", the fact that in Liberia, local elections were called off the reason being given, " a lack of resources" yet these "resources" could be found to entertain and welcome President Bush.
I have wanted to avoid the feeling that pambazuka was being financed and used as a tool, but find myself wishing to have a question answered by the Editor, "Why is the focus solely on Zimbabwe and South Africa, and all the issues being discussed are those on the agenda of the alleged, "civilized world"? Why does one not see articles on the plight of the Somalis who have been invaded by a foreign state, and are being bombed from US warships along the coast? Why are we not hearing of the plight of those Somalis starving, and let us not forget those in the Ogaden region of Ethiopia? When the focus of your organization is solely on countries in the crosshairs of neo colonialists and imperialists, who now covert the wealth of Africa, and are concentrating all their resources into destabilizing and undermining legitimate African governments, one wonders who are you serving? AFRICA or foreign interests that are hostile to African aspirations?
I do not wish to discontinue receiving your newsletter and other information, since it does provide a window into just how entrenched and scary the control of information and real news on Africa and real African interests is. I mean for what one is now constantly reading on your website, one could as easily read the BBC, New York Times, Daily News, New York Post and all the other corporate controlled media in the West.
Just throwing this out there. Keep on sending the stuff, it is, for lack of a better word, "fascinating!!!!"
Editors: We look forward to your articles on the topics you feel we are not covering adequately.