NGO water database appeal

The South African Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF) developed three possible initiatives that it considers value adding to the SADC Water Sector’s RSAP, and aligned it with SADC’s vision of creating an enabling environment within which water and sanitation infrastructure development can take place, namely:
· Best Practice in the Water and Sanitation Sector rollout to SADC;
· Capacity Building of NGO/CBO in Water and Sanitation Sector in SADC;
· Capacity Building of technicians, technologists and professionals in Water & Sanitation Sector in SADC.
At a meeting on 02 December 2003, with the SADC Water Division in Gaborone, Botswana, the SADC Water Division advised that the Capacity Building of NGO/CBO would fall under RSAP Project AAA.25 and link up with AAA.22; of the SADC Projects.
SA DWAF has taken the initiative to commence with the implementation of the 3 proposals, for an interim period ending the 31st of March 2004, and funded from the SA DWAF budget for this period. DWAF will align the initiatives with the current projects within the RSAP, with the main purpose of being able to incorporate these three proposals into the RSAP after the 31st of March 2004.
One of the activities of the NGO Capacity Building Project is the development of a comprehensive database of NGOs working in the water and sanitation sector of the 14 SADC countries. (Angola, Botswana, Congo, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe)
If you can assist with contact details / a database / references/ links or networks, that can help in the identification of these NGOs, it will be much appreciated.
Contact: Chamara Pansegrouw: Project Coordinator (
Tel/Fax: +27 012 335 6761
P O Box 54131, Nina Park, 0156, Pretoria, South Africa