‘Sometimes people hold a core belief that is very strong. When they are presented with evidence that works against that belief, the new evidence cannot be accepted. It would create a feeling that is extremely uncomfortable, called cognitive dissonance.
- Tagged under Governance
I continue to be amazed at the ease with which the dividing line is blurred between what is real and what is fiction in the reporting on Syria by the Western media. The press in the U.S.
Tagged under Human SecurityHow did a movement that put millions on the streets in 2006 allow the development of ‘comprehensive immigration reform Act’, now being debated in USA Congress?
Tagged under ResourcesThe Malcolm X Grassroots Movement (MXGM) has just released a follow-up to its controversial report Every Thirty-six Hours, published last year, which was a gruesome compilation of killings of Black people in the U S MXGM characterized these killings, which took place in streets, houses, gated-com
Tagged under Governance‘As I have walked among the desperate, rejected, and angry young men, I have told them that Molotov cocktails and rifles would not solve their problems.
Tagged under Human SecurityLast year, as part of the annual celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s birthday, one of President Obama’s top advisors paid a visit to Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Dr. King’s former church.
Tagged under GovernanceAs the corporate media beat the drums of war with Syria, led this time by CNN and the New York Times with support from the rear coming from the confused white left/liberal likes of Democracy Now, a now familiar line is conjured up to rationalize intervention – humanitarian intervention as a basi
Tagged under Human SecurityThere is moral currency in an anti-war position that rejects war as an instrument of human relations that degrades and demeans all those who participate in it. People of conscience and faith have called for the abolition of war for centuries.
Tagged under GovernanceIt is a sad commentary on our priorities when our government can find billions of dollars to bail out banks but cannot come up with the funds to house families and individuals that were displaced by Hurricane Katrina.
Tagged under ICT, Media & Security
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