The gong of death
Is going to silence
The life bells
And snatch my soul
Take it into deep wells
Dark and unknown
- Tagged under Governance
In your struggle
you exposed traditional chauvinism
Seen through the mirror of self
In your struggle,
There was a sense of weaving a nation
A true nation of humanity and unity
Indeed from you I learnt not to mourn
As unity was bestowed in your heartTagged under Gender & MinoritiesBROUGHT TO YOU BY PAMBAZUKA NEWS
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Tagged under GovernanceFor Al-flea-ks
Tagged under GovernanceI was eleven perhaps ten when I met her
When I was introduced to her
She whose voice was rhythmic
In the mountains of Gusiiland
When she spoke, she drew people from far and wide
They came running and walking
Standing and sitting down, listeningTagged under GovernanceMama, was it a mistake
That I existed without your consent
Something you could not avoid
Where is the root of the matter
It is something my brain can't tell
From my head's weak cartilage
Did you just look at the horizon
Trying to reach the yellow lightTagged under GovernanceSaying that they are the current Mau Mau in Kenya, the youth in Nairobi are demanding that the government build a Dedan Kimathi museum, and a monument in Kamiti maximum security prison to replace the notorious jail where Kimathi is believed to have been buried in an unmarked grave.
Tagged under Governance