The latest is Jose Pacheco, Minister of Agriculture and Food Security and a member of the Frelimo Political Commission, who is offering 150,000 hectares of irrigation projects that need $2.5 billion in investment.
For four years, IMF head Christine Lagarde has taken a lead in stressing that inequality reduces economic growth, most recently speaking at Davos in January.
Tagged under Economics Christine Lagarde, IMF Mozambique, Debt crisis Mozambique, AusterityGovernment-Renamo negotiations resumed briefly on Wednesday 27 July and then were suspended by the mediators until Monday 8 August. The mediators submitted proposals in response to the first item on the agenda, Renamo's demand to take power in six provinces.
Tagged under Human Security Mozambique Mozambique, RENAMO, Afonso DhlakamaMr. Micawber is a character in Charles Dickens's 1850 novel David Copperfield who is always in debt and frequently responds that "something will turn up". Maputo feels like that at the moment.
Tagged under Democracy & Governance Mozambique Mozambique debt crisis