In 1884 the von Bismarck gathering had as its prime directive ‘stamp out slavery’ – read ‘humanitarian intervention’ – while the real agenda was the allotment of vast parcels of resource-rich land to Caucasian imperial wizards.
- Tagged under Governance Libya
Putting forward progressive views in these times can be a veritable mine-field for any individual or organisation who attempts to formulate a clear, well reasoned analysis of the real facts on the ground.
Tagged under GovernanceIn 2006 at least 15 per cent of America's oil needs were provided by Africa and it has been projected that by 2015 the figure will be 25 per cent.
Tagged under GovernanceJune 2010 – the year we witness the glorious bursting forth from the chrysalis of the ‘democratic state’ the ravenous beast of the security-centric state.
Tagged under Arts & Books