When students get worked up about university administration they resort to vandalism and woe unto you if you are caught up by demonstrating students in the streets.
- Tagged under Advocacy & Campaigns East & Horn of Africa Youth
Tagged under Gender & Minorities East & Horn of Africa Women at workIntroduction
Bombing operations by the United States military against the Horn of Africa state of Somalia have escalated during the course of 2018.
Tagged under Pan-Africanism East & Horn of AfricaIntroduction
Tagged under Pan-Africanism East & Horn of AfricaThis is a region of East Africa, which has been deeply fractured due to the legacy of colonialism and neo-colonialism since the 19th century. The area has been a focal point for interventions by the United States along with other North Atlantic Treaty Organisation governments.
Two separate grenade attacks in the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa and the Zimbabwean city of Bulawayo resulted in the deaths of several people.
GLJSAS will try to address the plethora of strategic issues affecting the African continent with special focus on the Great Lakes region and the Horn of Africa, through a careful analysis of underlying causes of the main recurring problems, and suggesting policy recommendations. Among such
Tagged under Education East & Horn of Africa African StudiesThe play in Oxford celebrating Jayaben Desai
Tagged under Economics East & Horn of Africa May Day 2018Introduction
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