From Salman Rush-to-Die to the Danish Cartoons
The article "From Salman Rush-to-Die to the Danish Cartoons", Pamabazuka 2006-02-16, by Tajudeen Abdul-Raheem, refers.
The author has marred his point of view with lots of "ifs" and "buts" to an extent the confused reader starts wondering which of the two opposing camps the writer really supports – the extremists or the moderates. On the other hand, it is unreasonable to expect a totally peaceful demonstration out of 1.4 billion angry Muslims worldwide.
Tajudeen Abdul-Raheem got too philosophical on an otherwise simple and straightforward case of people outraged by the publication of what they regard blasphemous stuff. His reference to Salman Rushdie, Khomeini's Fatwa and Bradford clerics is somewhat irrelevant here, though his style will please those Muslims who strive to be in the good books of the West. Judging from his name I take that the author is a Muslim. I sincerely hope he is not one of those "Muslim Liberals" who antidote their "Islamic Stigma" with atheism so as to become acceptable to the Anti-Islamic West. It is always "Islam and the West" and not "Islam and Christianity" simply because there is little of Christianity left in that part of the World.