Mo Ibrahim recently announced he is in a joint venture bid with the government of Ethiopia for Meta Abo Brewery.
- Tagged under Governance
Totalitarian regimes routinely use aid and such to punish those who stand out and to reward the compliant. Dictator Mengistu did it. The Chinese still do it. Meles Zenawi did it to people of Tigray in the early 1980s and is doing it to a whole nation now.
Tagged under Governance- Tagged under Governance
There is no end to Meles Zenawi's inventiveness. He relishes bullying and blackmailing. He will kill to position himself as a spokesperson for global issues and craves to be taken seriously as a statesman. Well, he has been failing in both and nobody seems to take notice.
Tagged under Land & EnvironmentPM Meles is pulling out his old playbook once again - word for word, page by page. He needs to do this because he has come under intense pressure from forces within Ethiopia.
Tagged under Governance