Meles: Has the die been cast?

Ethiopian Recycler wonder why no one is not suspicious that Meles may be part of the problem.

PM Meles is pulling out his old playbook once again - word for word, page by page. He needs to do this because he has come under intense pressure from forces within Ethiopia. 'Re-invading' Somalia on the pretext of a 'serious threat to his country' not only creates a diversion from impending woes [power blackout, corruption gone wild, recent 'attempted coup', etc"> but will allow him to go back on his word to retire.

Over the past two weeks the PM's statements on invading Somalia have gone the same old route: From denial to partial admission to waiting for 'invitation' to turning down invitation to blaming the World Bank for power blackout [to make it appear the 1 billion dollar Bank grant has nothing to do with the Somalia mission"> to demanding international cooperation to threatening to go it alone when the fact is his troops were already in Somalia. He had blamed the US for one reason or another prior to the 2006 invasion to prove he was an independent actor. He was lying. He only admitted when seasoned reporters got out the news that he was following orders. He did the same about secret renditions. He is lying again. There is a pattern.

If Aweys is 'a real threat, an existential threat to us,' philosophises the PM, 'and if he wants to be attacked then of course we will try to do what we did before,' Meles said in an interview in Addis Ababa. 'If he poses a clear and present danger, then we will deal with a clear and present danger in any way we can.' Read more.

The fact that the World Bank earmarked US$1 billion beginning next month in addition to the over half that amount extended by US government in the last two months signals the die has been cast. Obama Administration should be forewarned that a similar plan was sold to the Bush Administration in 2006 [right after Meles's embarassing defeat in the 2005 elections."> That intervention was declared a 'success', a 'mission accomplished'. Those exact words!! Let us not forget it is less than a year to elections in Ethiopia. In 2006 world attention was on Iraq, now on Iran. As we say in Ethiopia, commotion is a boon for thieves!

We just wonder why no one is not suspicious that Meles may be part of the problem!