Samir Amin’s celebrated life was amongst the most trying, but also rewarding, of his generation’s left intelligentsia. Following Amin’s death in Paris on Sunday (12 August), his political courage and professional fearlessness are two traits now recognised as exceedingly rare.
- Tagged under Global South Tribute to Samir Amin
After a privileged youth in Egypt as the child of two medical practitioners, Amin attended university in Paris where his PhD offered a scathing Marxist analysis of South-to-North “unequal exchange.” Amin returned to his homeland, but after testing the limits of Nasser’s Arab nationalism – as an a
Tagged under Global South Egypt Samir AminSee attached for a copy of the entire book.
Tagged under Emerging Powers South Africa BRICS Summit Johannesburg 2018Chatter about reforming multilateral economic power structures, launching a new BRICS credit ratings agency, and prospects for leapfrog technology within the “4th Industrial Revolution” (4IR) also filled the air.
Tagged under Emerging Powers South Africa BRICS Summit in Johannesburg 2018By far the world’s largest proletariat lies within the Brazil-Russia-India-China-South Africa (BRICS) bloc, whose state leaders meet in Johannesburg from 25-27 July and union officials gather in Durban the following weekend.
Tagged under Emerging Powers South Africa BRICS Summit in JohannesburgAt a Johannesburg BRICS think tank, scholars get drunk on their own rhetoric
Tagged under Emerging Powers South Africa BRICSTwo leading critics of imperialism – John Smith and David Harvey – have recently fought bitterly at the Review of African Political Economy website ( over how to interpret geographically-shifting processes of super-exploitation.
Tagged under Emerging Powers imperialism in AfricaInternationally, the emergence of the Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) alliance in 2010 (when Beijing invited Pretoria on board) was Zuma’s main legacy, he believed: BRICS offered enormous potential to challenge abusive Western hegemony.
Tagged under Economics South Africa Cyril RamaphosaA brand new World Bank report, The Changing Wealth of Nations 2018, offers evidence of how much poorer Africa is becoming thanks to rampant minerals, oil and gas ex
Tagged under Economics South Africa Wolrd BankSouth Africa’s currency rose rapidly in value after Ramaphosa won, for he is celebrated by big business and the mainstream media.
Tagged under Democracy & Governance
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