Two leading critics of imperialism – John Smith and David Harvey – have recently fought bitterly at the Review of African Political Economy website ( over how to interpret geographically-shifting processes of super-exploitation.
- Tagged under Emerging Powers imperialism in Africa
Of course, that stance, one that dates back centuries in Chinese history, has largely been a fiction for decades. Since acquiring nuclear weapons in the 1960s and building an inter-continental ballistic missile capability that now includes submarines and land-based delivery systems and esti
AUTHOR’S NOTE: This paper was prepared and presented in part for a panel at the Left Forum held at John Jay College of the City University of New York (CUNY) on Sat. June 3, 2017.
Rwanda’s tragedy has been exploited for many purposes. Add slandering a pro-Palestinian activist to the list.
In November 2017, African and European leaders will converge in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, for the Africa-EU Summit.
A fairy tale stretch of desert…an endless sky, blue like the sea. Walking barefoot on a carpet of sand, smooth like silk. (Mohammed Dchira)
[Author’s Note: This address was delivered at the Detroit branch of Workers World Party public forum held on Saturday, 22 April 2017. The event examined various anti-imperialist struggles taking place around the world from the Middle East and Africa to the Democratic Pe
Charles de Gaulle, Brazzaville, 1944: “Self-government [restoration-of-African-independence] must be rejected – even in the more distant future”.
François Mitterand, Paris, 1998: “Without Africa, France will have no history in the 21st century”.
In the period since independence in the 1950s, Africa has undergone profound social, cultural, economic and political changes. Some inherited and historically rootless colonialist political and social systems have collapsed, been transcended and reconstituted.