Call for papers

The Interdisciplinary Journal for the Studies of the Sahel is seeking submissions from all disciplinary fields of academic inquiry, including the arts, humanities, social sciences and STEM-related fields (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) for its June and December 2018 publications.
The Interdisciplinary Journal for the Studies of the Sahel (a specialised section of Africology: The Journal of Pan African Studies) is an on-line, open access, and peer reviewed scholarly journal devoted to research and analysis of policy, economic, social and political experiences of the Sahel region. The Journal is seeking submissions from all disciplinary fields of academic inquiry, including the arts, humanities, social sciences and STEM-related fields (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). Relevant topics include but are not limited to:
- Climate change and unfavorable climatic conditions
- Hunger, food production and food security
- Extractive industries and resource management/governance
- Water, land and other natural resources
- Ethnicity/culture
- Health and health-care
- Human capital
- Regional and international organisations
- Terrorism, terrorist organisations, political violence and human security
- Global power play and War on Terror in the Sahel
- Secessionist tendencies and separatist movements
- State fragility and post-conflict peacebuilding
- Politics, religion and democratic reforms
- Human rights and humanitarian aid system
- Gender matters and women’s liberation
General Information
The Interdisciplinary Journal for the Studies of the Sahel (IJSS) seeks submissions that present original research methods/theory, add to a body of research knowledge, announce cutting-edge research findings, guide future researches, explore theories, distribute new knowledge, present new ideas, invite discussions, introduce research reviews, and provide policy recommendations on the Sahel Region.
Submitted articles should be in the following format:
- Introduction
- Literature review (annotated bibliographies accepted)
- A methodological construct
- Results and Discussion
- Conclusion, and Recommendations (that are SMART-Compliant)
- Suggested steps for further research that can intellectually engage scholars, policy- makers, students and others with interest in the Sahel region.
IJSS is published twice a year: June and December, with occasional supplemental Special Issues/Editions.
IJSS seeks to use an affirmative African-centered logic and language, therefore, we discourage the use of the term “tribe” or “slaves” in reference to the African experience and we recommend that all contributors use alternative terms/concepts such as “ethnic group” and “the enslaved.” When using the term “black,” to indicate people of African heritage, we recommend that it be capitalised. Also, instead of “sub-Saharan Africa,” our preferred description is “Africa south of the Sahara Desert” or “Africa south of the Sahara.”
Publishing Language
The publishing language is English. However, contributions in languages other than English are acceptable when also presented in English.
All contributions must be addressed to the editor at one of the following addresses: [email protected] or [email protected] in a cover letter stating: the name of the author(s), current institutional affiliation, location, e-mail address, the title of the contribution, the originality of the contribution, that the contribution is not under consideration anywhere, and that you wish to publish in The Interdisciplinary Journal for the Studies of the Sahel. Contributions must be submitted in MS word in a Times New Roman typeface via an attachment in an e-mail (etiquette: avoid capitalising every word in the subject line). The entire work should be between 5,000 and 7,000 words in length, double-spaced pages with a concise title, abstract, and current standard citations and references. Within the contribution, page numbers should not be included and the title of the contribution should not be mentioned on each page. All graphics (charts, tables, photos, etc.) must fit our page measurements. Only endnotes (not footnotes) should be used. A list of references is needed for each contribution and Harvard Referencing Style is required (see Author’s Guidelines).
From Submission to Being Published
Respond to this call with “The Interdisciplinary Journal for the Studies of the Sahel” in the subject line to either [email protected] or [email protected]. For the first issue of 2018, the deadline is March 30, 2018. After that, submissions are continuous. Notices of acceptance will be issued within four to six weeks. Should corrections or additions be needed, the editor will inform you.
Dr. Marcel Kitissou, Editor
E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]
For additional information about The Interdisciplinary Journal for the Studies of the Sahel, visit