“Behind every great fortune there is a crime” - Balzac
As South Africa digests the news of Standard&Poor’s April 3 downgrade of state debt to junk status following Jacob Zuma’s March 30 cabinet reshuffle, two other credit rating agen
Funeral services were held on March 29 for Ahmed Mohamed “Kathy” Kathrada, a longtime member of the South African Communist Party (SACP) and the African National Congress (ANC) in South Africa.
February 1990 stands out as the most important month in South Africa’s history. This month divides South Africa’s history into two parts. The first, 1652 to 1989, represents the period of institutionalised racism and political oppression of black and indigenous people.
From the onset, this year’s general election in Kenya reads like a dry and dutiful political tale similar to a ghost story. The constituent being haunted is the Kenyan electorate.
No region of the globe has escaped the “wave of democratisation,” which hit the world from the early 1990s. While regular elections by themselves do not and cannot guarantee true democracy, they serve as one of the major barometers for measuring an effective democratic process.
(Nicola Sturgeon, first minister of Scotland: “The UK Government was clear in 2014 that an independence referendum should be, in their words, ‘made in Scotland, by the people of Scotland’ – that is a principle that should be respected today.
Tagged under Governance Biafra war, Biafra self-determination, Igbo Genocide“I write to you in hiding and with so much fear that at anytime, anywhere, I can be picked up by the police or military and immediately tried for felony for just sending this email.”
Nonsense. A word.
spoken or written words that have no meaning or make no sense.
"he was talking absolute nonsense"
synonyms: rubbish, gibberish, claptrap, balderdash, blarney;
Tagged under Governance Kenya elections 2017Universities are public entities and should never bear the name of an ethnic group. Similarly, counties belong to all Kenyans according to Kenya’s constitution and should therefore not bear the name of any single ethnic group, given that no county in Kenya is inhabited by a single ethnicity.
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