Celebrating the penis

On the . I would like to acknowledge the initiative by the media to bring to everyone's attention to cases like this one where a woman decided to do something about sexual abuse, especially against a girl child. I do not mean to encourage women to take law into their hands, but to point to governments that there is a problem with the justice system if some women are going this far.

I'm yet to read on a daily basis about other cases of sexual abuse, where women have not taken drastic measures to break the silence. Does that mean they are less important or all of us should cut the penis and hope it will be eaten by dogs?! How can we punish perpetrators of sexual abuse without resorting to drastic mesures like castration,lest we are labelled as having 'penis envy'?

There have been a number of meetings where a problem of sexual abuse was discussed, but it seems attitudes of some men are not changing! I think we need to have a forum where we can draw attention to the "PENIS" itsself. Discuss different ways (positive) it can be used and celebrated instead of only looking at it as a weapon or a gun as in the Zuma case in South Africa.