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- Tagged under Governance Algeria
- Tagged under Governance Algeria
One year after the inspiring events of the “Arab Spring” that swept away western-backed dictators, the Algerian authoritarian regime –still in place- is desperately calling for the Algerian people to go and participate massively in the up-coming electoral masquerade on May 10th.
Tagged under Advocacy & Campaigns AlgeriaOn the verge of celebrating 50 years of national independence in July, Algeria’s military-dominated regime faces in May a potentially humiliating and dangerous blow through a massive electoral boycott.
Tagged under Governance Algeria- Tagged under Governance Algeria
April 13, 2012
H.E. Mr. Mohammed Loulichki
Permanent Representative
Permanent Mission of the Kingdom
of Morocco to the United Nations
866 Second Avenue, 6th and 7th Floors
New York, N.Y. 10017
Tagged under Advocacy & Campaigns Algeria- Tagged under Human Security Algeria
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