Lesotho: "Promoting Gender Equality in Cooperatives"
The Regional Office for Africa of the International Cooperative Alliance (http//www.ica.coop) is organising a Co-operative Gender Forum on November 12 to 16, at the Maseru Conference Centre in Lesotho.
The Regional Office for Africa of the International Cooperative Alliance (http//www.ica.coop) is organising a Co-operative Gender Forum on November 12 to 16, at the Maseru Conference Centre in Lesotho.
The theme of the Forum is: "Promoting Gender Equality in Cooperatives to enhance sustainable economic development".
The Forum aims to foster the sharing of knowledge and experiences on gender integration that will lead to enhanced women participation at all levels.
Participants (women, men and youth) are expected to come from the cooperative movement in Africa, but also from governmental organisations, regional integration bodies, and the international development community at large.
For further information, please call the ICA Regional Office at +254- 20 – 2711959 or send an email to the Co-ordinator of the Forum at [email][email protected]