Piracy – a survival strategy for Somalis?

Response to 'The Real Pirates in Somalia: Washington, Paris and Oslo'

Perhaps Somali pirates were fisherman until their fish were destroyed by the West dumping toxic waste on their fishing grounds, writes Lugo Teehalt.

Thanks for the article.  Don't know if you agree with this factor,
expressed in this way, have to admit I'm just guessing:

The Somali pirates used to be fishermen.  Their fish were destroyed by
'the west' dumping toxic waste on their fishing grounds.  What are
they supposed to do, stoically starve?

Perhaps this is what they are supposed to do:  They, and the people
they used to feed, move to the slums on the outskirts of the cities.
Desperate for work they force down the wages in the, often American
owned, sweatshops which assemble baseball paraphernalia, make cheep
clothing, and the like.  Western workers are then put into competition
with these sweatshops, forcing down wages in the west.

Yes, it's globalization!

Just thought that might be in part what is going on - by analogy to
the thing they normally do:  forcing peasant farmers to compete with
subsidised US and European farmers.