GAMBIA: Crackdown on media worries Amnesty

Amnesty International expressed concern last Wednesday at "increasing attacks on freedom of expression" in The Gambia following the arrest of three journalists.

Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
Integrated Regional Information Network (IRIN)

GAMBIA: Crackdown on media worries Amnesty

ABIDJAN, 8 August (IRIN) - Amnesty International expressed concern on Wednesday at "increasing attacks on freedom of expression" in The Gambia following the arrest of three journalists.

Agents of the National Intelligence Agency (NIA) arrested two journalists from the local Independent newspaper - reporter Ousman Darboe, and editor Yoro Jallo on 2 and 3 August respectively. Both were arrested "solely on the grounds of their legitimate professional activities", in relation to an article announcing the wedding of the vice president of Gambia, Isatou Njie Saidy, Amnesty said.

Earlier, Guy-Patrick Massaloko, a Congolese journalist with the PanAfrican News Agency, was held incommunicado from 19 July to 1 August at the headquarters of the NIA.

Amnesty urged the Gambian authorities to uphold high standards to guarantee the right to freedom of expression as protected by the international treaties to which The Gambia is a party.

Referring to a National Media Commission Bill just passed by parliament, but yet to be signed by President Yahya Jammeh, Amnesty said it contained several provisions incompatible with The Gambia's international obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the African Charter on Human and People's Rights.

It expressed particular concern at the considerable powers, some judicial, devolved to the Media Commission, which could undermine and restrict freedom of expression. "These restrictions are without justification. They constitute an affront to the right to freedom of expression and may muzzle and undermine the independence of the Gambian media," Amnesty said. "We are calling on President Jammeh to guarantee freedom of expression in The Gambia by withholding his consent to the Bill adopted by parliament."

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