Mali near to ratification

The Council of Ministers of Mali has approved last Wednesday June 9th the ratification of the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and People's Rights (ACHPR) on the Rights of Women in Africa which was adopted in Maputo, Mozambique, on July 2003. The ratification has been submitted to the National Assembly to be adopted. Mali will then have to deposit its instrument of ratification at the African Union. This is according to a press release from Women in Law and Development in Africa.

--- Press Release --- Press Release --- Press Release ---

Mali will soon deposit its instrument of ratification of the Protocol to the ACHPR on the Rights of Women in Africa
Lomé, Togo, June 22, 2004. The Council of Ministers of Mali has approved last Wednesday June 9th the ratification of the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights (ACHPR) on the Rights of Women in Africa which was adopted in Maputo, Mozambique, on July 2003. The ratification has been submitted to the National Assembly to be adopted. Mali will then have to deposit its instrument of ratification at the African Union.
Congratulations to men and women, to human right’s NGOs and networks and to the Malian network of Women in Law and Development in Africa/Femmes, Droit et Développement en Afrique for the hard work they have done in achieving this result.
Up to now, only one country has ratified the Protocol, the Comoros. Let us remind you that the Protocol will come into force thirty days after the deposit of the fifteenth (15th) instrument of ratification. Until June 2nd, thirty (30) countries, out of which twelve (12) from West Africa, signed the Protocol. The process is slow, too slow.
We encourage women’s organisations and human rights’ NGOs and networks to continue lobbying and follow-up upon the ratification in their own country. For sure, we know that other countries are aware of the importance of the protocol for African women. We are confident that other countries will soon ratify like the Comoros did and Mali will. But be alert to keep on the pressure.
Don’t hesitate to let us know about your action.

Yours sincerely,

Women in Law and Development in Africa/ Femmes, Droit et Développement en Afrique (WiLDAF/FeDDAF) West Africa sub-regional office
[email protected]

To keep up to date on signatures and ratification, go to and check Treaties, conventions and Protocols etc. under Official Documents section.

Sign the petition in English and French on Pambazuka ( website to increase the speed of ratification:

Petition :