African Books Collective: April/May new titles
The Uncertainty of Hope
Valerie Tagwira
This novel has been described by Charles Mungoshi as ‘an astonishing debut’. The various and complex lives of Onai Moyo - a market woman and mother of three children, and her best friend Katy Nguni - a vendor and black-market currency dealer, give an insight into the challenges that face those who are surviving by their wits, their labour and mutual support.
Other newly available titles include:
The Mediator. Gen. Lazaro Sumbeiywo and the Southern Sudan Peace Process
Waithaka Waihenya
Shona Companion: A Practical Guide to Zimbabwe’s most Widely Spoken Language
D. Dale
African Oral Story-telling Tradition and the Zimbabwean Novel in English
Maurice Taonezvi Vambe
For further information, see: