Why would our governments sign up to this?
Lack of protection from cheap subsidised imports under EPAs poses a threat to East Africa’s agricultural industry, writes T. Mohammed Yusuf.
Yes Prof, it is true the majority of the population (especially rural peasant/ farmers) in East Africa lack information and awareness on EPAs; Our agricultural produce which constitutes more than 50% of GDP will be threatened due to lack of protection from cheap subsidized imports; This will siphon our market as well as increase our unemployment rate, which is alarming, etc.
With all these facts in addition to the pressure inflicted on our negotiators, why are our governments willing to go by and sign this agreement? Do they really understand its implications on local production and industrialization? Why can't they do some evaluation studies to understand and analyse (SWOT) EPAs in the national and regional boundaries? I think, this form of colonialism will not be allowed neither accepted in Africa!
We need to open our eyes and sharpen our ears against anything that is try to promote exploitation and violation of our rights for free development.
Thank you for all you have done in this field.