Namibia: Breast-feeding Site Added To MoHSS Web Site

The Food and Nutrition unit of the Namibia Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS) recently received WHO support to contract a local Web site developer to create a very comprehensive site addressing breast-feeding in Namibia.

Breast-feeding Site Added To Namibia MoHSS Web Site

Hello AFRO-NETters,

The Food and Nutrition unit of the Namibia Ministry of Health and So-
cial Services (MoHSS) recently received WHO support to contract a lo-
cal Web site developer to create a very comprehensive site addressing
breast-feeding in Namibia.

The site's content was developed by MoHSS staff, and includes a wide
variety of information on the Baby and Mother Friendly Facility Ini-
tiative in Namibia, Government policies and strategies for promoting
breast-feeding and maternal and baby health, facts and figures relat-
ing to breast-feeding, and a resource guide for health workers that
details reasons for and ways to promote breast-feeding.

Clearly this is a site ahead of its time because relatively few Na-
mibians have Internet access and, (I suspect) if they do, they are
unlikely to think of logging on to the Internet to check out informa-
tion regarding breast-feeding. Most health workers do not have Inter-
net access at their work place, so they are unlikely to visit the
site to hone their skills by reviewing the resource guide (which, in
any case, they should have in a booklet version in a language other
than English, in their facility.).

Nevertheless, the site should prove to be a valuable resource of in-
formation about the BMFI for Namibians and others, could provide
ideas or examples that health workers elsewhere who are at work de-
veloping similar materials could draw on so as not to reinvent the
wheel, and will serve as a single place at the MoHSS to visit for
breast feeding information that otherwise would likely be difficult
or impossible to track down on various computers or in file cabinets
or on book shelves.

Currently the site does not provide the capacity to download the
various documents that are presented for browsing. If there is inter-
est among visitors for such a feature, send a message to "foodnut",
the site's inspiration by clicking on any of the e-mail links.

You can pay a visit to the Namibia breast feeding site directly at:

But, while you are at it, you can pay the Namibia MoHSS Web Site: a visit, browse some other
features, then click on the breast-feeding link on the home page.

Jeremy B. Clark
Information Systems Advisor (acting Webmaster)
Namibia MoHSS
Windhoek, Namibia
mailto:[email protected]

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