Statement of solidarity with Abahlali base Mjondolo

AbM have survived nine years of repression. Despite their heroic victories and struggles in communities, the ruling party and the state continue to unleash violence and lies against the movement. This must stop.


October 03, 2014

Abahlali base Mjondolo’s brief period of existence is similar to the history of the Black Consciousness Movement in this country [South Africa], a history written in blood, pain and suffering. This week, Thuli Ndlovu, a leader in this movement, was assassinated.

Since its inception, the ruling party and the state have responded with violence to the democratic demands of this noble movement.

In 2006 they were forced out of their homes, charged with killings. They won the case.

Its President S’bu Zikode has sued the state for the unlawful arrest and assault and has again won the case.

Recently they have been to the highest court law of the land, the constitutional court, to challenge eviction and the court ruled in ABM’s favor.

They have successfully resisted evictions and successfully occupied land.

Last year two of their members were murdered in the struggle for the Marikana Land Occupation.

Despite all this repression ABM currently have 27 vibrant branches in Durban and 1 in Cape Town. They have survived nine years of repression.

Despite these heroic victories and struggles in communities, the ruling party and the state continue to unleash violence and lies against ABM.

The most painful thing is the silence of the left. Sometimes when it has raised its voice it has joined the state in perpetuating violence against the poor.

We call upon the leadership of the ruling party in KZN to defend the right of the poor to organise themselves outside of the tripartite alliance.

We call upon the Government of KZN to respect the decision of the highest court in the land, that the evictions being perpetrated in Durban are unconstitutional.

We call upon the left of this country to abandon its gutter politics and pledge solidarity with the struggles of the poor and the landless. We call on the left to stop looking for struggles in their books while ignoring the militant struggles taking place around the country on a daily basis.

We call upon all justice defenders in stand in solidarity with ABM in their hour of need.

The killing of grassroots activists must stop.

Grassroots activists can no longer be treated as trash and rubbish.

We express our deepest condolences to the family and comrades of Thuli Ndlovu.

Ayanda Kota 078 625 6462

Gladys Mpepo 060 393 0402