Situation of Burundian refugees at Mtabila camp

A resident of Mtabila camp calls for Pambazuka readers to take urgent action to stop the Tanzanian government from forcibly repatriating Burundian refugees.

Thank you for calling humanity to act so that forcibly repatriation be stopped. I would like to inform you the situation of Burundian refugees living at Mtabila camp in Kasulu District, Kigoma Region,United Republic of Tanzania.

The actual Representative of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Mr. Msajiri Frederiko, doesn't respect the Human Rights of refugees since he has been appointed to work in this camp. As he tells refugees that he is'alpha and omega', he does whatever he think to oblige refugees to repatriate.

He closed all markets, limited the liberty of worship,restricted refugees to grow even vegetables at the plot to supplement the food they receive... He told that the Tanzania government gave him the mission to do whatever he can to oblige refugees to repatriate.Currently, he is moving them day after day from one Zone to another.

He begun by Zones AC and G and the process continues. But what he didon Monday 18 May 2009 was surprising to everyone: while refugeeswere at the food distribution centre, he went with his Police in Zone AC and burnt all remaining houses and all that was inside. This needs an urgent action to end this situation because on Monday 25 May 2009 he publicly told refugees in a meeting that he intends to burn other houses in other zones.

It is regrettable to read in magazines and internet that Tanzanian and Burundian governments in accordance with UNHCR proclaim that Burundian refugees from Tanzania are repatriating on voluntary basis.

This is the information I needed to let you know and, if possible to take an urgent action on Tanzania Government to end this way of threatening refugees.