Spanish activist deported by Mozambican authorities for defending women´s and girls’ rights

On March 30th, Eva's extradition was confirmed. Lawyers tried to reverse the decision, but were not given enough time to stop the expulsion.
Eva Anadón Moreno departed at 3:35pm today March 30 from Maputo International Airport, and is expected to arrive tomorrow March 31st at 1:25pm in Madrid International Airport (Barajas), accompanied by a Mozambican Police Officer.
She was held in custody from 1PM on March 29th until 1AM on March 30th, by the Immigration Services at the International Airport of Maputo. At around 10.30a.m today March 30th, her extradition was confirmed. Lawyers tried to reverse the decision, but were not given enough time to stop the expulsion.
Eva made the following statement while at the International Airport of Maputo: “I am being deported today. I am being detained at the airport. My lawyers are working to produce a document to temporarily suspend the notice, but we do not know if there will be enough time.”
29/03 – 11.50pm: The Prosecutor-General of the Republic was prevented by the Police from taking the activist from the airport. According to Police, they received superior (Executive) orders for her deportation.
29/03 – 10.30pm: A group of feminist activists camped at the airport to raise awareness and pressure for Eva´s release.
Spanish activist Eva Anadón Moreno was one of the women arrested by the Mozambican Police on March 18th, when a group of activists were preparing to perform street theatre to demonstrate against the directive from the Ministry of Education that forbids the use of short skirts in the schools in Mozambique.
Eva Anadón has been detained by the agents of Immigration Services since 1.00pm today (Tuesday, March 29th). She has now been transferred to the International Airport of Maputo. There is a major concern that the young activist may be deported at any moment.
During this past weekend, Mozambican Immigration Police kept Eva´s Maputo apartment under surveillance. Unaiti Jaime, another activist also arrested on March 18th, confirmed that her house was also under surveillance by immigration agents.
Eva Anadón Moreno provides support to The World March of Women, the largest feminist movement in the world, and had the required legal documents to be in Mozambique.
* Boaventura Monjane, a Mozambican journalist, is a PhD student in Post-Colonialism and Global Citizenship, Social Studies, University of Coimbra, Portugal.