Zimbabwe: Umvuthwandaba We Zimbabwe

"Umvuthwandaba Voice" meaning The End of Revelations is a publication that pushes the agenda of new formation of the Zimbabwean politics. In a sense that the youth of Zimbabwe would want to riot now and cause a dramatic change in the leadership of any of the front political parties, it might be Zapu, Mdc, and Zanu PF. This has been brought about the youths that are in UK, South Africa and Botswana. In our view we need to see a man or woman age below 35yrs of Age taking the podium as the new President of Zimbabwe.

"Umvuthwandaba Voice" meaning The End of Revelations is a publication that pushes the agenda of new formation of the Zimbabwean politics. In a sense that the youth of Zimbabwe would want to riot now and cause a dramatic change in the leadership of any of the front political parties, it might be Zapu, Mdc, and Zanu PF. This has been brought about the youths that are in UK, South Africa and Botswana. In our view we need to see a man or woman age below 35yrs of Age taking the podium as the new President of Zimbabwe.

On the second note having Zimbabwe ruled by State governors in three States namely; Matabeleland, Mashonaland and Manicaland. Each state will use its natural resources in their state and benefit from them; this will be the some on their farming, industrials sectors. If a person belongs to Mashonaland and want to work in Matebelend he will do that under a permit depending on his skill otherwise all laborers will be from that State. why do we say so, we have seen a divide and rule that only put one tribe in the front and at the some time eliminate the other tribes which is unacceptable with many of the youths

Farmers and Miners

All farmers who were chased away by Mugabe should be brought back to their lands, the change will be that they will have to occupy only 60% of what they used to own before then accommodate new other farmers on the 40% of their land. Those on the 40% will with the help of the owner of the land work in hand and the products sold under the name of the owner of the land.


The system will change and bring back the Cambridge system, which is an international standard.

Presidential and Ministerial Offices

All this will change, to forced transformation of only one term in the office unless re elected. The presidential office will be renamed to: The Servant Office One and the some with Ministerial office to Servant office (name) e.g.: Sport, Culture and Education. This will make the ppl in those offices understand their ppl and the ppls position.


This will bring in new players and stations in radio, television and print media for all languages in Zimbabwe. Privatised.

Military and Police Security

Whether airforce, ground, marines and police will work under one roof of the State..

Above a major units that will need major changes then be driven across the nation and implemented at the some time. Correct us if we are wrong.

Now we have recognised the stand that you have taken looking at your biography. We need your help in bringing in all the white brothers and sisters that where driven away by Mugabe and his people. We need to engage them as soon as possible so that we start to move with this plan before the election process begins. We can't wait any longer we have suffered that's enough man..

Emailing us the contacts of the farmers/miners or other former citizens you know will help us drive this agenda.

Your National Servant
Umvuthwandaba Technical Team
Email: [email][email protected]
South Africa