The shortest chapter in both The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Act No. 200 of 1993 and the 1996 Constitution deals with traditional leadership.
- Tagged under Land & Environment South Africa Land reform
This radical thesis was adopted in the ANC’s 54th National Conference in December 2017 and subsequently most vehemently motioned in the National Assembly by the opposition party, the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF).
Tagged under Land & Environment South Africa Land reformBut this was not one of South Africa’s infamous “service delivery” protests. These protestors were villagers that were relocated from their communal land 17 years ago by Anglo American Platinum (Amplats), the world’s largest platinum company.
The Monsanto-Bayer merger caps off three rounds of mega-mergers among global chemical corporations. These companies are consolidating and jockeying for better control of their market share of bio-technologies, agricultural seeds and agricultural data.
Tagged under Land & Environment Other African seeds1. Introduction
Tagged under Land & Environment South Africa DeforestationThe first chapter “How the Land was Lost” serves more as the context and environment in which, against all economic and political odds, Alfred Mangena, Richard Msimang, Pixley ka Isaka Seme, Nqcubu Poswayo and George Montsioa gained access to British law schools.
Tagged under Land & Environment South Africa Land reformReconstruction and Development Programme (RDP) housing has been on the cards for as long as the new government has been in. And nothing near targets have been met.
Tagged under Land & Environment South Africa Land reformThe atmosphere is highly charged in South Africa, with an overloaded and short-circuited political arena.
Tagged under Land & Environment South Africa Land reformA solution seems to have been reached under which the local communities will form an association and collect money among themselves to do their own re-stocking (as they have done in the past) without the help of vampire-investors.
Tagged under Land & Environment Uganda Natural ResourcesEarlier this month, the South African parliament voted for a motion to amend the constitution that will allow the government to expropriate private land (largely in the hands of white South Africans) without compensation.
Tagged under Land & Environment South Africa Land Reforms
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